
The rotoscope project was so tedious. I made it worse for myself because I wanted my rotoscope to be detailed, and because I wanted to learn how to use Adobe Animate. So I made one on both applications. The black background was made on Harmony and the Grey was made on Animate. The Harmony video is better I think. Harmony was easier to use and the lines were smoother. With Animate for some reason the lines kept doing this weird fill thing. They would wiggle in size if I drew a line. I honestly could've looked up how to prevent that, but I just wanted to get it done. I will look it up so I can improve my animations in the future. 
Also, half way through I realized that this was going to take me forever to finish, so I had to change some things. I started drawing her face, but I bit off more than I could chew with that. So, I stopped, that's why there are flashes of her face in the Harmony video. 
Over all I enjoyed this project. The video s from the show GLOW on Netflix. 
